“Paranoid And Ethically Challenged”: Boston And The Right-Wing Media’s Collapse
Prefacing his comments by insisting he knows “how foreign affairs work,” Glenn Beck on April 18 announced that his website, The Blaze, was breaking news about the Boston Marathon bombing: A Saudi...
View Article“The Politics of Paranoia”: A Constant Stream Of Desperate Drivel By The...
Out-of-control federal government. An immediate and immense Muslim threat. Gun grabbing, national registries and eventual mass confiscations. Tyranny. The politics of the political right have become...
View Article“What Could Possibly Go Wrong”: Gun Advocate Plans July 4th March In...
A former Marine, candidate for Congress, and self-defined libertarian radio talk-show host has sparked some controversy over a Facebook event gone viral. Adam Kokesh, host of Adam vs. The Man, created...
View Article“A Far-Right Mob Movement”: Benghazi, Projection, And The Dark Obama Obsession
President Obama’s most fevered critics have been waiting for a national “aha” moment since he was first inaugurated more than 50 months ago. Coming off an electoral landslide, Obama was instantly...
View Article“Looking At A Time Capsule”: The Tea Party’s Sad, Nostalgic Reunion Tour
Remember way back to 2010? When the Black Eyed Peas’ “Boom Boom Pow” was tearing up the charts and a hot new upstart political movement called the Tea Party was striking fear into socialists...
View Article“A Signature Brand Of Hate”: Trayvon Martin And Why The Right-Wing Media...
Appearing on Fox & Friends in the wake of a Florida jury found George Zimmerman not guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin, Geraldo Rivera’s claim that Martin brought about his own death by dressing in...
View Article“Speaking In The Abstract”: How The Right Talks About Race, Even When They’re...
In 1982, Republican operative Lee Atwater gave an interview to Alexander Lamis, a political scientist at Case Western Reserve University, in which he explained how the so-called “Southern Strategy” of...
View Article“The Issues Are Real”: The Right Wing’s Ridiculous Outrage Of Ebony’s...
In the early 1930s, there was no black high school in John H. Johnson‘s native Arkansas City, Ark. This wasn’t atypical. The education of black children wasn’t a priority in many U.S. cities. In order...
View Article“Hiding From Town-Hall Hollering”: GOP Now In Awkward Position Of...
About a month ago, the House Republican Conference produced “exceptionally detailed” guides for their members on how best to survive the lengthy August recess. Party officials offered some rather...
View Article“An Unexpected Turn”: Missouri Develops Strategy To Prevent A Repeat Ghastly...
Last year, both Steve and I wrote posts discussing the induction of Rush Limbaugh into Missouri’s Hall of Fame. At the time, there seemed little of redeeming value to this tale but now, it has taken an...
View Article“A Symbolism Of Pure Hate And Violence”: The Despicable Laura Ingraham...
We can’t be surprised by the right-wing ignorance about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the politics of the 1963 March on Washington. Today’s conservative leaders are the political descendants of the...
View Article“GOP Circular Firing Squad”: Right Wing Lashes Out At Paul Ryan Over Obamacare
In one of the most surprising examples of how committed Republicans truly are to attacking the Affordable Care Act, the right wing is lashing out at Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) for being...
View Article“Lousy Medicaid Arguments”: Deeply Revealing, More Evidence Of The Right’s...
For now, the big news about Obamacare is the debacle of HealthCare.gov, the Web portal through which Americans are supposed to buy insurance on the new health care exchanges. For now, at least,...
View Article“Promoting The Right-Wing Agenda”: Ted Cruz And Koch Brothers Embroiled In...
A national conservative network (whose backers include the Koch brothers, event sponsors include Facebook, and alumni include Ted Cruz) misrepresented its agenda and activities, and reaped the benefits...
View Article“Nuttier By The Day”: The Right Wing Is Eating Its Own, Again
The nut jobs on the right are getting nuttier by the day. A new national survey for the Wall Street Journal and NBC News indicates that only one in four Americans (24 percent) support the tea party....
View Article“Clothed In Righteousness”: Who Is Really Waging War On Christmas? Look In...
Spreading holiday cheer, a Western tradition for hundreds of years, no longer engages our so-called conservatives as the end of the year approaches. In fact, the innocent phrase “Happy Holidays” only...
View Article“When Conservative Isn’t Conservative Enough”: A Signal To The GOP Base That...
With Sen. Tom Coburn (R) retiring at the end of the year, well ahead of the scheduled end of his term, there will be a Senate special election in Oklahoma in 2014. Given the fact that the Sooner State...
View Article“Cultivating The Right Wing”: Rand Paul Woos The Base With Hot Monica...
What on earth is Rand Paul thinking, bringing up Monica Lewinsky? On cable TV, they shake their talking heads: ancient history, irrelevant, etc. Quite true, it’s all those things. But in terms of...
View Article“GOP Having Trouble Threading The Needle On Crazy”: When You Court Crazy Long...
A fight brewing in Virginia’s highly competitive 10th congressional district shows just how tough it’s becoming for conservative Catholic candidates to move to the center to woo moderates when they’re...
View Article“The Bundy Crisis In Nevada”: Right-Wingers Ignoring The Law And Disregarding...
It’s not uncommon for conservative media to put a very different spin on current events than major news organizations. For example, news consumers who surround themselves with nothing but conservative...
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